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Intervaltræning i vand

Vand & Wellness>Daglige aktiviteter >Intervaltræning i vand

Intervaltræning i vand 

Intervaltræning i vand, er for dem som ønsker en udfordrende tidseffektiv træning. Denne form for træning er sjov og energi givende, en blanding af pulstræning tabata og cirkeltræning. Træningen er velegnet for både unge og modne gæster uanset fysisk tilstand, og spices op med god og motiverende musik.

Fordele ved interval træning: 

- Skånsomt for ryg og led
- God konditionstræning
- Forbedrer blodcirkulationen
- Giver bedre udholdenhed og styrke
- Øget velvære

Se plan over alle svømmehallens aktiviteter her eller på forsiden under "Det sker i svømmehallen i dag"

Entré + tillægsbillet 25 kr.
Kan kombineres med turkort.

Billetter sælges efter først til mølle princippet, med 22 deltagere pr. hold

​Der kræves minimum 3 fremmødte for at holdet afvikles.

Interval training in water

Interval training is for those who wants a challenging time efficient workout.
It's a fun and energizing form of training, intervals with exercises of higher intensity for shorter periods. A mix of pulse training, tabata and circle training. The training is suitable for both young and mature guest, regardless of what kind of physical form you are in.
To spice the lessons up, we use some good and motivating music.

Benefits from Interval training:

- Gentle on the back and joints
- Good cardio training
- Improves blood circulation
- Gives you better endurance and strength
- Increase your well-being

The training is suitable for both young and mature guests, regardless of physical condition. The training is being "spiced up" with some good and motivating music.

See a schedule of all the swimming pool's activities to the right or on the front page below "Det sker i Svømmehallen i dag"

Entrance + additional ticket kr. 25,-
Can be combined with multi-trip tickets

Max 22 atendees on each team, so it´s first come first served

Requires a minimum of 3 atendees to start a team.