Er du gravid og har du brug for at få bevæget dig lidt, er graviditetstræning måske noget for dig.
Træningen foregår skiftevis i familie bassinet og springbassinet. Familie bassinet har en vanddybde på 120 centimeter, springbassinet 380 centimeter. Begge bassiner har en vandtemperatur på 30 grader. Ved undervisning i springbassinet får man et Aqua joggingbælte på.
Øvelser i vand giver dig mulighed for at motionere hele kroppen, men stadig med øje for at kroppen kan være besværet af graviditeten. Hver krop er forskellig og kan have brug for forskellige tempi og belastning. Her vil vores instruktør Martin være
behjælpelig med at tilpasse hver enkel deltagers behov.
Vi forventer at du inden opstart har afstemt med din læge, om du fysisk er i stand til at deltage.
Onsdag kl. 11:35-12:20
Lige uger: Springbassin
Ulige uger: 25-meter-bassin
Entré + 25,- tillægsbillet.
Billetten afleveres ved instruktøren, som bevis på at man har betalt.
Ingen tilmelding på forhånd. Der er max plads til 20 personer.
Aqua Aerobics for pregnant women
Are you pregnant and need some exercise. This may be something you will like.
The aqua aerobics takes place alternately in the family pool and the jumping pool. The family pool has a water depth of 120 centimeters, the jumping pool 380 centimeters. Both pools have a water temperature of 30 degrees. When we use the jumping pool, you will be wearing a belt.
Doing Aerobics in the water gives you the opportunity to exercise the whole body, but still with an eye to the fact that the body may be affected by the pregnancy. Every body is different and may therefore need different tempos and resistance. Martin, our instructor will be helpful in customizing each individual participant needs.
We expect that you to have been talking with your doctor before joining a team, to make sure that you are physically able to participate.
Wednesday from 11:35-12:20
Even weeks - Jumping pool
Odd weeks - Family pool
Entrance + kr. 25,- additional ticket.
You have to show the instructor your ticket, that will be your proof of payment.
No registration is neccesary in advance.
Maximum 20 antendees on each team.